Barley-Sheaf Playhouse Investigation Pictures

This picture was taken by Bob Radle during the interview. Notice the blue orb top, center?

This picture of a faint, moving orb was taken in the prop room by Hillary Murdoch.

This orb almost looks as if it is sitting on the stool.

Small yellow orb near the ceiling of the main auditorium.

This is the first frame of the "ribbon energy" captured on infrared video. It is entering the frame at top, center, and seems to be somewhat transparent.

This is the second frame of the "ribbon energy". You can see the window frame through it at the top. For more info, see the investigation report.

This picture of a small, moving orb was taken in the basement.

This picture was taken by Hillary shortly after Randy entered the "red room". The light began flickering at about this time.

This picture was taken by Bob while he was sitting on the floor of the "red room." At first we thought it was a color bleed, but since he was sitting on the floor, he was way too far from the ceiling to have the color bleed into the picture like this. Could this be red ecto?


This picture was taken by Bob after he heard the "shoe leather" noise. For more information, see the investigation report.


Notice the strange glow in front of Bob? We were not able to recreate this effect.

This picture was taken immediately after the one on the left, while the light was flickering.

This orb was caught hovering over Randy Givler's head while we were attempting to get an EVP in the stairwell.

This moving pink orb picture was taken by Hillary in the stairwell.