Gettysburg Investigation Pictures July 3, 2003
This picture of a daytime orb was taken at the 28th
Pennsylvania monument, in the woods at Spangler's Spring.
This picture was taken by Hillary Murdoch after we climbed the path back up to the road. Did the orb from the monument in the woods follow us? |
This picture was taken by Paul Murdoch immediately after the one on the left. It shows a mist to the left of the monument. |
This picture was taken by Hillary at the stump near the bathrooms at Spangler's Spring. |
This picture was taken by Paul, from a different vantage point, immediately after the picture to the left. |
This picture, showing an orb above Hillary's head, was taken by Paul a few minutes after the pictures above. |
This picture of a very bright, moving orb was taken by Hillary. |
This picture, taken by Paul, shows a cannon at Barlow's Knoll, with radio towers in the background. It also shows a pink orb. |
This picture was taken by Paul at Barlow's Knoll. We're not sure if it is some kind of insect or not, but we have never seen anything like it. |