Gettysburg Investigation
Location: Gettysburg National Military Park, Gettysburg, PA.
Date: Saturday night, December 15, 2001 – 4:00pm to 9:30pm
Moon Phase: New
Solar Weather: M class flares, geomagnetic storm
Investigators present: Hillary M., Paul M., Scott T.
Equipment: RCA digital voice recorder, Olympus C-3000 digital camera, Night Owl night vision scope, Sony Hi8 digital video camera with Nightshot, Pentax PC-550 35mm camera, Extech EMF meter, Radio Shack motion detectors
History: The
Battle of Gettysburg took place here. It was fought from July 1 through July 3,
1863, marked a turning point in the American Civil War in the North's favor.
Roughly 4,000 Southerners and more than 3,000 Northerners were killed in the
battle. The total number of casualties—those killed, wounded, missing, or
captured—was about 23,000 for the North and from 25,000 to 28,000 for the
South. More detailed history can easily be found on the web.
Investigation: On December 15, 2001, Paul and I took one of his friends from work, Scott T., to Gettysburg for an investigation. That day we had M class solar flares and a new moon, and two days before we were under geomagnetic storm, so we were hoping for an active night. Scott had never been on an investigation before, but he was very eager. None of us were disappointed by the experiences we had that night.
We first arrived at Sach’s Bridge at about 4PM. Being that this area is now closed at sundown, we knew we had to get there early. This bridge is rumored to be the most active spot in all of Gettysburg. I have gotten some of my best photos here in the past. We stood inside the bridge an attempted to get an EVP. Unfortunately, we were having no luck, and by that time, another couple had pulled up. We waited till the couple walked further down the road on the other side of the bridge, then left the recorder running inside the bridge, and followed the other couple down the road. We wondered around for about 45 minutes, then headed back toward the bridge. We replayed the tape, and got some strange ‘blowing sounds’ on it. It was slightly windy, and we wondered if it could have just been the wind. I had specifically placed the recorder in a position that would be shielded from sight as well as any outside influences. So, we decided to do some experimenting to re-create the sound. We were only able to recreate the sound by blowing directly on the recorder, from no more than a couple of inches away.
The sun was going down by now, and I knew we were running out of time, so I began snapping several random pictures on our digital camera. I took one of Paul as he was exiting through the other end of the bridge. Boy, was I excited when I saw the picture. There was an orb actually moving up Paul’s back! Paul told me that he had gotten a high EMF reading (2.8) just minutes before in the exact same spot! We got several more orb pics here as the sun was going down, but knew that we couldn’t stay any longer.
From there we went to the Peach Orchard, the Triangular Field, Devil’s Den, and the Wheatfield, but not much happened. We did get a couple of orbs on camera and video, and the owls started to go crazy at the Triangular Field (usually a sign that something is about to happen), but nothing spectacular.
Then we moved on to the 28th Pennsylvania monument in the woods near Spangler’s Spring. We stayed there for about half an hour. After about twenty minutes, Paul captured a big red orb hovering above the monument on his digital camera. Not long after that, we all smelled a fowl rotting stench roll into the area. It became so strong that we had to leave. This was very strange considering it was very cold that night. The smell did not seem to blow in on a breeze, but actually kind of roll in, like fog might, and hover around us. As we walked down the road back toward the Spring, I turned and took a picture. Sure enough, there was the red orb following us, and it was moving in the picture!!!!
When we returned to the Spring, we went back to my favorite spot, and tried for an EVP. Paul was videotaping this on infrared. Scott and I both heard someone walking through the leaves behind me, I turned to look, and Paul said he had just gotten something strange on video. Scott and I couldn’t wait to see it, so we replayed it there. As I turn to look behind me, a light moves across the screen in front of me, but dissipates halfway across. We were the only people at the Spring during this time period, and none of us had our flashlights on! Also, none of us saw this light with the naked eye!
By that time, even though the park did not close for another hour, we were out of supplies, and decided to head home. Between the moving orb pictures and the strange light on the videotape, we were very excited! Just another eventful night in Gettysburg.