The Hill School Investigation Report


Place: The Hill School Athletic Building, Pottstown, PA

February 27, 2005

Time: 6:00pm – 8:00pm

Weather: Clear skies

Moon phase: Quarter moon

Investigators: John J. McGreal & junior investigator Kelly McGreal

Equipment: Kodak digital camera, Minolta Digital camera, Olympus digital voice recorder and IR Thermal temperature gun.

History:  The Hill School is a distinguished private boarding high school located in Pottstown PA. The school was established in 1851 as an all boys’ school. In 1998 The Hill School opened it’s doors to female students.  More information regarding The Hill School can be found here.

Investigation:  This was my second visit to the Hill School and this was not a planned investigation. We went to the Hill to drop of my oldest daughter for basketball practice. The Hill School's athletic building is a very large complex that dates back to 1931. On arrival, I met one of the school coaches and he took the time to tell us a little about the building. I asked if we could spend the next couple of hours to investigate the place, and he agreed, although he stated that he has never experienced anything himself.  
   In regards to the IR Thermal temperature gun, there was a fluctuation in temperature. This was in front of the Athletic directors office. I got a reading from 77 degrees that suddenly dropped to 55. 
  Using the digital cameras, we took a total of 141 pictures. Out of these I believe we were able to capture 2 different “energy/life forces", as seen on the photo page.   In reviewing the digital voice recorder, it appears that we had no luck. We were only able to try to get EVP’s in one area and that was in front of the Athletic Director's office, where it was the most quiet. This is also where we got the fluctuation in temperature.

Conclusion: The Hill School Athletic Building was a very interesting building and is only one part of a very large campus. The short time spent here will not allow me to come to any conclusions or to speculate anything. I will try to seek permission to investigate more areas of the campus and just use this small investigation as a piece to a puzzle. I will be returning to this facility again (two times a week through June) During these times I will continue to take pictures, and EVP’s and will report any additional findings.

Submitted by John J. McGreal