Jean Bonnet Inn Investigation


Robert, Amy, Jayson, and Paul just finishing up dinner before beginning the investigation.

The possible moving orb picture was taken by Paul Murdoch in the basement dining room.

This picture was taken by Hillary in the basement dining room.

This picture was taken just seconds after the one to the left, from the exact same vantage point. Notice the orb is in a different position, and moving slightly!

This picture shows a bright orb moving over a quilt on the wall.


Another moving orb, this one heading toward where Robert was seated. Robert's camera began to malfunction almost immediately after this picture was taken.

This picture of a pink stationary orb was taken by Paul in room #4.

This picture was taken in room #2. Jayson was recording a high EMF reading, and attempting to trace it to the electrical lines.

This picture of a blue moving orb was taken by Robert in room #2.

This picture was also taken in room #2 by Hillary.

This picture was taken in room #3. The orb is actually moving over Paul's head, who was seated on the bed at the time.

This picture of a strange anomaly, possiblly a moving orb, was taken in room #3 as well.

Paul took this picture of a bright red orb on the door between the bedrooms in room #3.

Great picture of a even casts a shadow! WRONG! This picture was taken through an iron gate, and although the lens was between the bars, the flash was not. This is why it is imperative to take note of your surroundings during an investigation.