Mansfield Reformatory Investigation Pictures
This picture was taken by investigator Hillary Murdoch in the administration wing during our inital tour of the reformatory. |
This picture was also taken by Hillary during the tour. It was taken in the library while most of our group was up in the observation tower. |
This picture was taken in the library immediately after the picture above. |
This picture is third in the series of consecutive moving orb pictures, and was taken immediately after the picture to the left. |
![]() This picture of an awesome bluish moving orb was taken by Shonda Addington in the wing wing outside the shower room. Robert heard, and obtained an EVP of "Get out" just moments after this picture was taken. No one else present heard the statement. |
This picture of a moving orb was taken by Shonda in the east wing shower room. |
This picture, taken by Hillary in the east wing shower room, seems to be either coming out of, or going through the wall! |
This is the same picture with the lights and darks reversed. Here you can see the relatively flat side of the orb, and its reflection on the tile wall! |
Two moving orbs in the large room between the cellblocks. This room was used as the cafe in the movie The Shawshank Redemption. |
Notice the moving orb on the wall to the left, and a red orb on the wall to the right? |
This picture of another moving orb was taken in the basement by investigator Robert Hall. |
An orb moving down the hallway, maybe about to move through the wall to the left. |
This picture of a bright moving orb was taken by Paul Murdoch in the administration wing. |
This picture of a pink orb was taken in the third floor of the Assistant Warden's quarters. Soon after this, several orbs began to hover around Shonda (shown in the picture) for over twenty minutes. |
This picture, of a strange blue mist was taken by Gerry Bricknaver of Cincinnati Paranormal Investigations, after he joined us in the Assistant Warden's quarters. |
This picture was also taken by Gerry Bricknaver. He actually took five consecutive pictures of Shonda which contained this strange blue mist. Robert and Hillary were tracking several orbs moving around her at the same time. |
This picture, taken by Robert in the library, shows two moving orbs...a small one on the left beside the column, and one on the right. |
This picture, taken by Robert, was taken immediately after the one to the left. |
This picture, again of two moving orbs, was taken by Shonda in the library. |
Another moving orb in the library. Although we thought that we had not gotten any results when we returned to the library for the second time that night, we learned after reviewing our pictures that the room was quite active. |
An orb moving between Robert and Shonda as they walked down the west cellblock to the site at which we had obtained the EVP earlier in the night. |
This picture of an orb with a tail was taken by Paul in the west cellblock. |
Another orb with a tail in the west cellblock. This picture was also taken by Paul. |
This picture of an awesome, bright moving orb was taken by Shonda. The light in Paul's hand was not turned on at the time. |
This picture of a small pink orb was taken by Hillary after she felt a chill to her left side. |
This picture, taken by Paul, looks like an orb following Shonda around the room under the cafe. This was the room that the "fresh fish" scene was filmed in for The Shawshank Redemption. |
This picture was also taken in the "fresh fish" room by Hillary. Shonda's camera was not working at the time. Do you see the orb moving through the broken window? |
This picture was taken seconds after the one on the left. The orb is now moving around beside Shonda. Her camera still was not working. A third consecutive picture showed a very bright orb, still hovering next to her. |
This picture, and the one on the right, were taken by Paul at the same time as the pictures above. This orange orb was hovering over Robert's head in the "fresh fish" room. |
![]() This picture, taken seconds after the one to the left, shows what seems to be the same orange orb, closer to the column. |
This picture of a blue orb hovering in front of Robert's foot was taken by Paul in the east wing shower room. |
This bright orb pic was also taken by Paul in the shower room. |
This picture, taken by Robert, is extremely rare. It shows an orb, half-obscured by the column! Paul and Hillary were next to Robert when the picture was taken. Shonda was behind the column, but far enough back that her whole body is visible in the original, uncropped picture. |
This picture was taken by Gerry Bricknaver of Cincinnati Paranormal Investigations while we were conducting an EVP session in the shower room. He believes that this greenish arc of light passing through Shonda may be part of her aura. The anomaly did not appear in any other pictures. |
![]() This picture, showing two moving orbs, was taken by Hillary in the isolation section known as "the Hole". |
This ecto picture was taken by Paul in The Hole. Although it was somewhat chilly that night, we were not able to see our breaths. Out of well over a thousand pictures taken by the group that night, this is the only one showing mist. |