Point Lookout Lighthouse Investigation

Location: Scotland, MD

Date: Tuesday, December 20, 2005, 4:00 - 7:30 a.m.

Moon Phase: Waning gibbous.

Solar Weather:  Normal, Geomagnetic Unsettled

Investigators present: Hillary M. and Robert H.

Equipment: Canon PowerShot S2 IS digital camera, two Sony digital video cameras with Nightshot and IR extenders, Extech EMF meter, Olympus DS-1 Digital Voice Recorder, Extech IR thermometer, Olympus C-4000 digital camera, Olympus 2000 digital voice recorder.

History: The PRSNA has investigated this lighthouse several times.

Investigator Robert Hall was recently granted permission by the U.S. Navy to conduct an EVP study within the lighthouse for several months in 2005. This investigation was part of his study. Complete history of Point Lookout Lighthouse can be found at:



Investigation:  Robert and I arrived at the lighthouse just after 4:00 a.m.

We began by setting up our video camera and taking control pictures and EMF readings. Background readings within the house measured between .01 and .08 milligauss. Since it was so early in the morning, and very cold, we decided to just concentrate on the areas of the house that we feel are the most active.

At 5:03 a.m., we sat down in the south side bedroom. Just over a minute into the recording session, I got a series of pictures with an orb over Robert’s head.

At 5:24 a.m., we moved into the south side den. Again, almost immediately, I got a moving orb over Robert’s head. Twelve minutes into the session, Robert smelled a fire burning, but I did not.

At 5:55, we sat down in the north side den for a recording session. At 6:19 a.m., we left my recorder running in the north side den, and went outside to get pictures of the sunrise and warm up in the truck. Four minutes after we left the lighthouse, two sounds were picked up on the recorder which sounded like rapping on a metal surface. They were loud and seemed to be close to the recorder.   Since we were not in the lighthouse at the time, we couldn't rule out a mechanical noise.

At 6:54 a.m., we returned to the lighthouse and went down into the north side basement for an EVP session. We left the lighthouse at approximately 7:30 a.m.

The PRSNA has investigated this lighthouse several times, and we're always amazed at how light and airy the building feels. Many southern Maryland residents are too terrified to enter this lighthouse due to the stories they've heard, but this lighthouse seldom seems to have the heavy atmosphere usually associated with haunted sites. Even at night, the atmosphere within the lighthouse does not live up to its reputation. Once again, the PRSNA investigators concluded this investigation believing that we obtained very little in the way of positive results, and once again, we were proven wrong when we actually reviewed our results.  We obtained a number of potential EVPs, but deemed the quality too low for inclusion.   However, there were 3 good EVPs and 1 moving orb picture that made the cut.  


Submitted by Hillary Murdoch.